Time for Pest Control! Pest Mitigation Contracts Make Sure Bugs Won’t Bug You!

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," they say. Well, when it comes to pest mitigation, we believe an hour of prevention is worth a month of hassle! That's because by the time you notice a bug or rodent infestation, hours have already gone into cleaning up after them, calling a Central Oregon exterminator to terminate them, and investigating the source of the intrusion to prevent them from coming back.

But what if you didn't wait until there was an infestation, and instead were able to keep out pests to begin with?

At Central Oregon Pest Solutions (C.O.P.S.), we make house calls to keep home invaders out before they even invade. Think about it like locking up your car to prevent car theft from happening. We come to your home, rental or business, investigate possible entry breaches or issues, mitigate any existing pest issues and in return, you have a pest free home until the next time we come out.

We can do exploratory pest control once a year, or you can sign up for a maintenance contract and we will come to your house 2-3 times a year for $600-800 a year (discounted off our one-time fee). Add rodent maintenance for a small additional fee and we will set up bait stations and maintain the bait as well.

This is a great solution for pest-prone homes, or rentals where the landlord wants to be hands-off, but know their investment is being protected from damage caused from bugs and rodents. Pest termination versus pest mitigation is far costlier, more hassle and potentially more unhealthy if mice excrement or unwanted larvae find their way into your home, so prevention is cheaper, more efficient and safer for all parties involved.

So give us a call at 541-600-9008 and see if a pest control contract is right for your situation. We will give you honest advice on the amount of mitigation you should consider for your particular situation, and we will make the most out of that "pound of cure" in the name of pest prevention.


Yes, Central Oregon DOES Have Termites!


Winter Rodent Control in Central Oregon